Activities with children dedicated to the conservation of the lesser spotted eagle continue. The lessons are held outdoors by experts from the Shumen Plateau Nature Reserve and the Bulgarian Forest Service, and today the forest educators welcomed children from the Brezichka Kindergarten to the Kishkovete Forest Park. The children take on the role of the eaglet and recreate the life cycle of the lesser spotted eagle through play. To support the activities, a booklet called "Tales from the Nest" has been published, which each child receives as a gift. The management of all kindergartens in Shumen is showing great interest in the training using the principle of Forest Pedagogy and especially in the lesson about the lesser spotted eagle, as it is suitable for preschool groups and complements the activities in kindergartens. Classes have already been held in the Izvorche Kindergarten, the Pchelitsa Kindergarten and the Brezichka Kindergarten, and next week there will be lessons in the Svetulka Kindergarten and the Konche Vihrogonche Kindergarten. The lessons are being implemented thanks to the Project "Measures for the Conservation of the Lesser Spotted Eagle and its Habitats in Bulgaria", which is part of the EU LIFE program. The project partners are the IAG, BSPB, SIDP and SEDP, and its goal is to create new habitats for the Lesser Spotted Eagle, to protect the species and to preserve the biodiversity of the forests in Bulgaria.